Meaning of the numbers
Let's start by describing the conclusion.
"6120" is the number needed to convert [kgf・m/min] to [kW].
"367" and "0.06" are from "6120".
There are no units for any number.
Methods of Conversion
First, Let's take a look at the process of converting [kW] to [kgf・m/min].
1 [kW] ⇒ 1000 [W] ⇒ 1000 [J/s] ⇒ 1000 [N・m/s] ⇒ 1000×1/9.807 [kgf・m/s] ⇒1000×1/9.807×60 [kgf・m/min]
Here, 1/9.807 ≒ 0.102
1000×0.102×60 [kgf・m/min] ⇒ 6120 [kgf・m/min]
Thus, we have
- 1 [kW] = 6120 [kgf・m/min]
- 1 [kgf・m/min] = 1/6120 [kW]
We usually calculate using [kgf・m/min] and convert to [kW] at the end.
What is "367" and "0.06"?
367 is used to convert [kW] and [tf・m/h].
0.06 is used to convert [tf・m/h] and [kgf/min].
Now let's see how to do it.
1 [kW] = 1000×0.102×60 [kgf・m/min] ⇒ (1000×0.102×60)×60×1/1000 [tf・m/h] ⇒ 367.2 [tf・m/h]
Thus, we have
- 1 [kW] = 6120 [kgf・m/min] = 367.2 [tf・m/h]
- 1 [tf・m/h] = 60/1000 [kgf・m/min] = 1/367.2 [kW]
When we converting [tf] to [kgf], divide by 1000, and when converting [h] to [min], multiply by 60.
Instead of using 1/6120, it may be written as 0.06/367.2.
When to use it ?
Power Calculation for
- Belt Conveyor
- Electric hoists
- Pumps and blowers …… etc.
The numbers are used to calculate power requirements.
There are constants in the formulas used in practical work that we don't know what the numbers are.
These constants are probably meant to make the units the same, so check them out once you're done!
I hope I can continue to help solve your problems.
Thank you for watching to the end!
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