Articles In English 働き方

How to get rid of negative emotions

Sometimes people have a whirlwind of negative emotions that they can't get out of.

It drags the unpleasant feelings for a while and affects you.

Even if you are trying your best every day, you may suddenly find yourself unable to work hard or find meaning in your life.

I've had such experiences too.

Here is some training and ways of thinking that will allow you to come back from such a situation.

Clarify your purpose in life.

We don't want to have regrets when we die.

Imagine how your friends will talk about you at your funeral.

Are you near the self-image you imagined?

I want my family and friends to understand me in the end of my life without having to say, "This is who I am."

The first thing to do.

Decide what you want to be and what you want to do about it.

You need to know who you are so you don't fall for negative emotions.

If you don't, you'll end your life without even knowing the kind of person you were.

Training to look for positives.

Negative experiences always come with a positive aspect.

For example, when your girlfriend dumped you.

You will think back with tears to the days you spent with her.

How could I have made her happy, and what could I have done to let her down?

This lesson will be applied next.

Every experience is a good for thinking.

Of course, it would be better if there were no painful goodbyes.

Now, let's talk about training to look for the positive.

A negative situation overtaking the world: the spread of COVIT-19.

Even in a world of gloom and doom, ask yourself this question.

What is the greatest happiness you have found in the world where COVIT-19 is prevalent?

This is an exercise in focusing on the positive aspects of negative things and making lessons out of them.

COVIT-19 may have helped you to realize some things.

that is,

Think that what happened, both bad and good, was necessary for you.

Also, every experience that happens to you may be similar to others, but it will never be the same.

So you can have the same experience but gain a unique perspective.

If you have an original perspective, you can think differently from many others.

Any experience can be turned into value if it is viewed in a positive way.

It is also important to accept negativity.

When someone hurts someone else, negative feelings can arise.

I believe that we should embrace our feelings.

You can try to pretend it never happened, but it will come back to haunt you later.

The best way to deal with negative feelings like "I can't forgive that guy" is to think that they exist because they are feelings that you need.

Look for reasons why this feeling is necessary.

Why do you hate people who hurt others? Why….

Repeat this process and convince yourself by finding your basic thoughts such as "I want to be this way" or "My purpose in life is this way".

It is in the negative emotions that your true purpose in life is hidden.

How to escape from the vortex of negativity.

One of the negative emotions is the inferiority complex.

I find it especially difficult to get rid of the inferiority complex.

But, inferiority is a proper instinct that humans should have if it is not used in the wrong way.

I was crushed by a sense of inferiority and even became apathetic at times.

In order to deal with inferiority complex, the following ideas are helpful.

  1. Everyone who is better than you is a teacher, and you learn skills, good methods, and ways of thinking from them.
  2. There's no shame in not knowing.
  3. The teacher is here, let's ask him.
  4. Imitate those who are good at it, and before you know it, you'll get it.
  5. It tells me I can do just as well as these people.


I'm basically negative. But I am also positive. (I keep telling myself that.)

When I feel negative, nothing matters.

I look for things that are inconvenient for me or what makes me inferior to others, and I make excuses for my depression.

Before that happens, I want you to see a doctor at a hospital. I want you to go to a bookstore and pick up a book on the subject. I want you to read this article.

It may be some kind of experience that breaks your heart. But you don't have to go through negative experiences willingly.

I believe that imagining "what if it happens," and anticipating it beforehand will give you the power to turn even a negative experience into a positive one.

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-Articles In English, 働き方
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