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Mastering Time: 4 Essential Tips for Efficient Time Management

I always think, 'If only I had more time.' But that's just an excuse.

If it's something you truly want to do, you'd go for it even if it means cutting back on sleep in a pinch.

When juggling responsibilities like 'child-rearing,' 'work,' 'household chores,' 'side jobs,' 'hobbies,' and more, it's common to feel strapped for time.

In such circumstances, sacrificing sleep might take a toll on your body and well-being.

Here are some ways to achieve what you need to do while minimizing the loss of sleep as much as possible.

Write Down What You Did Today.

If you write down your actions and check them, you will know what is "useless" or "unnecessary".

Basically, it's about figuring out what you can skip doing altogether.

You can see the time you have spent on your task.

Afterward, eliminate time-wasting your tasks and reschedule.

You can use your time more efficiently.

Take Immediate Action

It's now or never.

If you have tasks or thing have to do, Act promptly!

Unfinished tasks can weigh on your mind and efficiency is down.

Perfect Is No Need

You don't have to be perfect to avoid wasting time.

It's sufficient for any task to be 60-80% finished.

Especially at work, it's better to propose some ideas early than perfect suggestion in beginning.

Don't Stingy

It's smart to learn for free to save money.

But, when you invest in learning, you usually get good quality and it's completed fairly quickly."

Using money effectively can help to save time and achieve results.


Thinking about always "Time-Efficiency" makes you tired.

"Take it easy once in a while, without worrying about time."

Click here for the Japanese version of this article.


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